Contributed Articles Articles of News
Article on AI and Copyrights in Japan Published by KOIPA
We are pleased to announce that Takahiro Kuga, a patent and trademark attorney at Shiga International Patent Office who is well-experienced in trademark and copyright matters, contributed an article about AI and copyrights to a book about IP in Japan published by the Korean Intellectual Property Off
Contribution of an article on IP information on genome editing technology
Our colleagues, Dr. Masato Iida and Mr. Kentaro Horie jointly contributed an article to a technical book entitled “Latest Technologies in Genome Editing and their use in Pharmaceuticals, Gene therapy, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock Production, and Production of Useful Substances” published by
Enlightenment by Recent Lower Court Precedents concerning Article 102 of the Patent Act
Our legal counsel, Mr. Teruo Morimoto, posted an essay, “Enlightenment by Recent Lower Court Precedents concerning Article 102 of the Patent Act”, in the August 2023 issue of “Patent”, the monthly journal of The Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA). There had been several issues regarding the 2
Distribution of Patented Products and ‘Safe Transactions’: Ricoh Case
Our legal counsel, Mr. Teruo Morimoto, posted an essay, “Distribution of Patented Products and ‘Safe Transactions’: Ricoh Case” in the March 2023 issue of “Patent”, the monthly journal of The Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA). This essay reviews the differed judgements on the Ricoh case invo
Mr. Tomohiro Gyoda has contributed to “Comparative Global Design Law” 2nd edition
Our design attorney, Mr. Tomohiro Gyoda has contributed his article to “Comparative Global Design Law” 2nd edition, published by Bloomberg Law. “Comparative Global Design Law” 2nd edition covers the latest revisions to the design law in respective jurisdictions and newly adds statistical data for li