Webinar -Hot Topics in Design Law from the US, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Perspectives-

Our design attorney, Tomohiro Gyoda has contributed his article to “Comparative Global Design Law” 2nd edition, published by Bloomberg Law. The authors including Mr. Gyoda will hold a webinar about important updates in design law in US, Japan China and South Korea. Practitioners who frequently file for design rights in Asia will hear from local counsel about the most important recent updates.

Topics to be discussed include:

– Important updates in US practice, including available prior art for anticipation, recent application of the obviousness standard, and e-publication of design patents
– Recent updates to Chinese practice, including the progress of partial design in China and recent design infringement cases with damages higher than before
– Changes to Korean design practice, including recent amendments to the Korean Design Protection Act and 2023 Supreme Court precedent limiting the “freedom to operate defense”
– Recent changes adopted in Japan, including relaxed requirements for grace period
– Updates on filing through the expanded Hague system

Date: Thursday, July 27
Registration: https://connect.finnegan.com/11/1200/landingpages/blankrsvp.asp

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