Mr. Nishizawa specializes in information and communication technology, physics, and SEPs (Standard Essential Patents). He has experience in the design and development of computer systems for business solutions. Mr. Nishizawa also has a wide range of IP experience in discovering inventions, acquiring and evaluating SEPs, in addition to filing patent applications, responding to Office Actions at domestic and overseas patent offices, and preparing opinions on behalf of Japanese clients. He has been working vigorously on discovering AI/IoT-related inventions from ideas, conducting patent research in relation to markets, and has been involved with public work projects related to IP.
Mr. Nishizawa has given lectures on AI and IoT-related patents and business model patents to over 40 domestic and foreign companies and organizations in which a total of over 2,000 individuals have participated. His lectures on AI and IoT-related patents are utilized as e-learning training materials of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA).