Kazuhiro Shiojiri

Patent Attorney

Practice Area
Technical Field

Chemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals

Mr. Shiojiri specializes in chemistry and chemical engineering. He handles cases in the fields of organic and polymer chemistry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Mr. Shiojiri has experience in the development of manufacturing processes for polymer films.  During his more than decade-long career in the IP field, Mr. Shiojiri has lectured on Japanese patent practice to various overseas chemical companies.


Prosecusion, oppositions, and opinions


M.S., Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Professional Background

Fujifilm Corporation


- Overview of Japanese Patent Prosecution and Notable Practice in Chemistry Fields (An event organized by European Chemistry Partnering, February, 2025)
- Challenging Third Party's Application/Patents before the JPO (Webinar organized by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, June, 2023)