Updates on legal revisions, developments in practice, noteworthy court decisions, etc.
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Impact of the Supreme Court Decision on Cross-Border Patent Infringement
On 3 March 2025, the Supreme Court of Japan handed down a landmark ruling in the Dwango vs. FC2 patent infringement case, ruling in favour of Dwango (dismissing the appeal). This decision is highly significant as it clarifies the extraterritorial application of Japanese patent rights to digital serv
IP High Court Case Regarding Patent Inventorship: Patent Inventor Must Be Human
Date of IPHC Decision: January 30, 2025IPHC Case Number: 2024(Gyo-ko)10006Tokyo District Court Case Number: 2023(Gyo-u)5001Date of Tokyo District Court Decision (original judgment): May 16, 2024Case Type: Suit for Revocation of Administrative Disposition Dismissing a Patent ApplicationPlaintiff/Pate
Meiji Exercises 3D Trademark Right of “Kinokonoyama”
Meiji, a subsidiary of a major Japanese food company, Meiji Holdings, announced that they exercised their 3D trademark right of “Kinokonoyama” against its similar products produced by a confectionary company for the first time. The company terminated the production and sales of its products because
Number of Suspensions of Imports Reached a Record High of 18,000 in First Half of 2024
Japan’s Ministry of Finance disclosed statistics showing that the number of cases suspending imports of goods infringing intellectual property at Customs marked 18,153 cases during the first half of 2024, a 16.2% increase from the previous year hitting a record high number. This spike reflected the
Nintendo Filed a Lawsuit against Palworld for Pokémon Games Patents
On September 19, 2024, Nintendo Co., Ltd. announced that the company and The Pokémon Company, its subsidiary, filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. in the Tokyo District Court, contending that “Palworld” infringes the following three patents related to Pokémon series, a well-k
Osaka District Court Does Not Recognize Copyright of Record of Shogi
Case number: 2022(Wa)11394Type: Request for Injunction against Unfair CompetitionPlaintiff: YouTuberDefendant: Igo & Shogi Channel Inc.Relevant Law: Anti-Competition Act, Article 3(1), Request for InjunctionThe above court case concerns whether deletion of a video clip replicating “kifu” (shogi
Revised Patent Examination Fee Reduction/Exemption Program
The JPO announced that a limit has been set on the number of cases for which an applicant can apply for the examination fee reduction/exemption system. The revised program has been applied to cases for which a request for patent examination was filed on or after April 1, 2024.Under the revision, sma
Trademark Law, Article 4 (1) (xi): Letters of Consent
Introduction of Letters of ConsentIf an applied-for trademark is identical with or similar to prior marks and designates goods/services identical with or similar to goods/services designated in the prior marks, the applied-for trademark will be rejected. Because letters of consent were not acceptabl
Nippon Steel Terminated Patent Infringement Litigation against Toyota and Mitsui while Continues Litigation against Baosteel
In November 2023, Nippon Steel announced that it had waived claims in the patent infringement litigation against Toyota Motor Corporation (“Toyota”), and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Mitsui & Co. Steel Ltd. (“Mitsui”). “Waive of claim” means the plaintiff terminates the litigation and same effect
Implication of Patent Non-Disclosure System to Overseas Applicants
A non-disclosure system for patent applications will be introduced in Japan on May 1, 2024. This article outlines the new system and its impacts on filing activities of overseas applicants.The Outline of the New SystemSystem for non-disclosure of selected patent applications is stipulated in Chapte
Key Changes in Japanese IP Law, Act, and Practice: Design and Trademark
i. A consent letter system is introduced (effective April 1, 2024)The Revised Trademark Act, which includes a consent letter system, came into effect on April 1, 2024. If an applied-for trademark is identical or similar to an earlier registered trademark and its designated goods or services are iden
Recent Trends in Business-Related Inventions
The Japanese Patent Office (JPO) updated its annual report on “Recent Trends in Business-Related Inventions” in November 2023. The report has summarized patent filings and examination trends in business-related inventions between 1997 and 2021. As for the 2020 updates, please refer to our past new
Japanese Companies Shifting from Competition to Co-Creation: Disclosure of Their Patents to Promote Open Innovation
Amid an environment of high-speed technical innovation, it is necessary for companies to work hand in hand in taking approaches to “co-create” their values to tackle diversified social problems, knowing that a single company cannot solve such problems alone. In this regard, it is worth noting that
Sharp Finalizes Patent Cross-Licensing Agreements over 4G-5G SEPs with Huawei and Motorola
Sharp has engaged in licensing activity of standard essential patents (SEPs) for wireless communication technologies to global companies in the telecommunication field. Sharp holds more than 6,000 patents related to 5G SEPs.On November 27, 2023, Sharp and Huawei Technologies, a Chinese telecom gian
Tokyo District Court Orders Compensation for Damages to “Fast Movie” Uploader Whose Whereabouts are Unknown
Major Japanese movie companies, such as Toho, Shochiku and Toei (plaintiff), filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against three uploaders (defendants) who edited the full-length version of the original movie and uploaded it without the permission of the copyright holders. On August 24, 2023, the T
JPO Patent Filing Trends in Green Transformation Technologies
The JPO conducted a comprehensive survey in May 2023 to summarize and analyze patent filing trends in green transformation (GX) technologies among respective regions and countries for the first time, referring to the JPO’s Green Transformation Technologies Inventory (GXTI). Green Transformation, ak
Preliminary Injunction against Generic Manufacturer Allegedly Infringing BMS Patent
On November 29, 2023, the Japanese subsidiary biopharmaceutical corporation, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), announced that the Tokyo District Court issued a preliminary injunction order against Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a Japanese generic drug manufacturer, that prohibits sales and manufacture of
Analysis of the Outcome of Japanese Patent Infringement Litigation in 2022
Trends in patent infringement litigation disposed of by the Tokyo District Court (TDC) and Osaka District Court (ODC) between 2014 and 2022Under Japanese judicial procedures, the first instance of patent infringement litigation is the TDC or ODC. According to statistics released by the IP High Cour
JPAA Discussed Copyright Issues amid Rising Attention to the Breakout of Generative AI
On August 4, 2023, Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) reportedly held a briefing session to media to review recent issues and questions of copyright which are increasingly highlighted by the breakout of generative AI, and also to explain their stands. This article is a summary of what the JP
JPO Dramatically Increases Number of Experts to Support Examination of AI-related Inventions
AI experts assigned to all examination teamsThe Japanese Patent Office (JPO) has increased the number of officers with expertise in AI-related patents from 10 to 40. Accordingly, an officer with expert knowledge in AI has been dispatched to each examination team by technical field, ensuring the org
IP High Court Finds a Trademark Registration Very Similar to “GODZILLA” Invalid
The Intellectual Property High Court (IPHC) judged on July 19, 2023 that a trademark registration of “GUZZILLA” (Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6143667, as shown below) owned by a Japanese construction machinery component manufacturer, Taguchi Industrial Co. Ltd. (Appellant), could cause confus
Japanese Patent Trends from the JPO Annual Report, summarized by SHIGA
Key NumbersThe number of patent applications slightly declined while the numbers of requests for examination and registrations remain unchanged.The number and ratio of patent applications from foreign countries are as follows.The number of requests for appeal against an Examiner’s decision of refusa
Rapid Increase in Damage Caused by Piracy Has Led to Strengthening Countermeasures
According to the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA), the amount of annual damage caused by online piracy of Japanese manga, anime, games, etc. has reached two trillion JPY. This is a five times increase from the 2019 survey, revealing the reality of rapidly expanding damages.In recent
Framework for Patent Non-Disclosure System will be Introduced in May 2024
Outline of the SystemThe Cabinet of Japan approved on April 28, 2023, a framework for a patent non-disclosure system which was stipulated in the Economic Security Bill enacted in May 2022. The operation of the system is scheduled to start in May 2024. The patent non-disclosure system aims to preve
Patent Filing Trends in Hydrogen Technologies
The EPO (European Patent Office) and IEA (International Energy Agency) released a joint study titled “Hydrogen patents for a clean energy future -A global trend analysis of innovation along hydrogen value chain-“ in January 2023. The voluminous 70 page report contains patent filing trends on hydroge
IP High Court Finds Patent Infringement on Cross-Border Network System
OutlineOn May 26, 2023, the Intellectual Property High Court (IPHC) made a landmark decision that finds patent infringement on an internet-related invention beyond a national border. In the lawsuit, DWANGO Co., Ltd., a Japanese web service company of which one of the major services is a video distr
Cabinet Approved Bills to Strengthen Protection of Brand and Design
IP NEWS Volume 66
In this Issue- 3.8 Million USD in Copyright Infringement Damages for “Fast Movies”- Supreme Court Decision: Does Patent Enforcement Cast Off the Stigma of Abuse of Right?- Recent Trends in Business-Related Inventions- Deep Learning Accounts for Approximately Half of AI-Related Inventions Filed at th
IP NEWS Volume 65
In this Issue- Music School Student Performances Not Subject to Copyright Fees- Customs Act Prohibits Import of Private Use Counterfeit Products- Japanese Car Makers Enter Connected Car License Agreement- Panasonic First in Japan to Join Low-Carbon Patent Pledge- Infringement Found in Action via Ove
IPHC Grand Panel Admitted High Compensation
Patent linkage in Japan: the present situation and challenges
IP NEWS Volume 64
In this Issue- Establishment of Guidelines for License Negotiations for Standard Essential Patents- New Guidelines for Co-Ownership of Patents- WIPO Report: Toyota has Most Active Patents related to Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Transportation- JPO Studying Easing of Registration Requirements of Name Trade
Japanese Patents Trends in 2021
IP NEWS Volume 63
In this Issue- Japan Likely to Consider Secret Patent Non-Disclosure System- Mitsubishi Electric Discloses Their Technology Assets Online Aiming for "Co-Creation" with Other Companies- Nippon Steel Files Patent Infringement Litigation against Toyota and others over Electromagnetic Steel Sheets- Pate
Recent Patent Filing Trends in the Space Industry in Japan
Analysis of AI-based drug discovery
IP NEWS Volume 62
In this Issue- Three Signature Patterns of Costumes in “Demon Slayer” Registered as Trademarks in Japan- Patent Litigation over Smartphone Game Reaches Settlement for 29 Million Dollars (Nintendo vs. Colopl)- Release of Case Examples of Design Registrations of Related Designs Pertaining to “Partial
Japanese Patents Trends in 2020
A closer look at the arguments effective for inventive step in the JPO examination
IP NEWS Volume 61
In this Issue- Bill for Revisions to Japanese Patent Law Approved- Good News for Patentees! Obtaining Consent from Non-Exclusive Licensees will No Longer be Required- Amicus Curiae Brief System to be Introduced- JPO Technical Trend Report: Self-Driving and MaaS
Patent Application Trends of Next Generation Batteries
The JPO released Status Report 2021
IP NEWS Volume 60
In this Issue- Former Softbank Employee Arrested for Leaking Trade Secrets- Interior/Exterior Design of Buildings to be Protected as Designs- Recent Trends in Quantum Cryptography - Toshiba Venturing into the Field- Abolishment of Handwritten-Signature Requirements for Procedures at the JPO